Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nanette & Mark's Wedding

Nanette & Mark were married last month at the beautiful Dodmoor House in Northamptonshire

The details were stunning and Nanette's dress was perfect

A lovely intimate ceremony

The venue was fabulous and made even lovlier by Nanette and Mark's attention to detail with the table and room decorations

There is no such thing as bad's just about having the right clothes. Or in this case, footwear. Nanette was prepared with her wellies so we braved the rain with a couple of brollies and got some lovely shots in the grounds

I must also thank my dear friend Lottie, who was a guest at the wedding but also kept me and the camera dry under an umbrella - thanks Lottie!

We found some shelter under the trees and despite the rain the light was perfect

Brilliant speeches

And a fabulous salsa band for the evening's dancing

Nanette & Mark I hope Malaysia was fantastic...thanks for sharing your day with me....x

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